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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The 72 Attributes (Avatars) of the Creator who Rules Only through Wisdom

72 Names-Attributes of Ahura Mazda, (as invoked in the Hormazd Yasht)

Ones that distinguish the concept of God, the Creator of mankind from other religious streams.

1. Frakhshtya = Who has always Existed
2. Vaan-thvyoo = Who Victoriously protects all Life.
3. Avi-tanyoo =Whose body, like an ocean, extends through space and time
4. Asha Vahishta = Who epitomizes Truth and Justice
5. Vispa vohu Mazda-dhaata asha-chitra:   Who is the beloved Creator (of life)
6. Khr-tush = Whose glorious aura radiates warmth. (Who does not scare)
7. Khr-tumaao = Whose glorious aura radiates warmth over time and space.
8. Chist-ish =  Who processes Insight/Perception 
9. Chisti-vaao = Whose Perception harbors no doubt.
10. Spaa-noo = Who increases Prosperity  
11. Spa-nan-guhaao = Who is the fountain of prosperity
12. Ahuro = Who is Self Created, has no beginning or ending.
13. Sev-ishto = Who is the most Beneficent
14. Vidva-esh-tvo = Who is without equal in knowledge
15. Ava-nemna = Who is Invincible
16. Haata marenish = Who is the final Accountant (of deeds)
17. Vispa hishas = Who is All-Seeing (who sees everything)
18. Baeeshazya =  Who is the Healer, Purifier 
19. Daa-to =  Who is the Bestower
20. Maz-daao =  Who rules exclusively through Wisdom 
21. Paayush-cha = Who is the Protector
22. Daata-cha thraataa-cha = Who is the Nourisher
23. Znata-cha man-yushcha spento-temo = Whose Intents are the purest.
24. Baeshazaya = Who is the Healer
25. Baeshazayo-tema = Who is the greatest Healer
26. Athrava = Who tenders the eternal flame
27. Athrava-tema = Who is the greatest Tenderer of the eternal flame
28. Ahu-ra = Who is the Creator of all Life
29. Maz-daao = Who rules (acts) through Wisdom
30. Ash-ava = Who Expands andpromotes the Truth 
31. Asha-vas-tema = Who is the Greatest promoter of Truth.
32. Khvare-nangha = Who is Radiant.
33. khvare-nanguhas-tema = Who is the Most Radiant
34. Pouru-darshta = Who is the foremost Seer
35. Pouru-darsh-tema = Whose Sight misses nothing
36. Duraee-darsh-ta = Whose Sight covers immense distances 
37. Duraee-darsh-tema = Who can see the furthest (over the horizon)
38. Spash-ta = Who presides over conscience (of every soul)
39. Vita namaa  = Who is All-Loving 
40. Daata = Who  Bestows (Truth and justice)
41. Pata  =  Who is the Protector
42. Thraata = Who is the Nourisher
43. Znaata = Who is Cognizant (Omniscient)
44. Znoo-ishta = Omniscience without equal
45. Fshumaao = Who promotes Productivity and prosperity
46. Fshushoo-maanthra = Who is the mantra of Prosperity
47. Isho-khshathro namaa = Who is the Love that overcomes obstacles
48. Isho-khshathro-tema = Whose Love and Strength has no equal
49. Namoo-khshathroo = Who is the Benevolent Power 
50. Namoo-khshathryoo-temo = Who is the most benevolent
51. Adhavish = Who never deceives
52. Vidhavish = Who cannot be  deceived  
53. Paiti-paayush = Who affords protection even handedly
54. Tbaeeshoo-taurvaao = Who destroys Malice and Hatred
55. Hathra-vana =Who is victorious over and removes Malice
56. Vispa-vana = Who is victorious through Love.
57. Vispa-tash = Who is the Architect of the Universe
58. Vispa-khvaathra = Who spreads Light throughout the Universe.
59. Pouru-khvaathra = Whose Light is foremost, all Encompassing. 
60. Khvaathra-vaao = Whose Light removes all doubt
61. Verezi-saoka = Whose work and achievement is Brilliant.
62. Verezi-sav-aao = Whose Brilliance is celebrated.
63. Say-vee = Whose Beneficence is uninterrupted.  
64. Surao = Who is Pure radiance 
65. Sav-ishta = Who consistently fulfills wishes
66. Asha  = Who has designed the functioning of the universe
67. Bereza = Who is Exalted
68. Khsha-thra-ya = Who is the Sovereign power
69. Khsha-thra-yoo-temo = Who is  the Greatest Sovereign
70. Hud-hanush =  Who has given birth to Wisdom.
71. Hud-hanush-temo = Whose Wisdom knows no bounds.
72. Durae-suka = Who sees through everything.

Along similar lines, the Yasna liturgy is made up of 72 chapters in conformity to the 72 attributes of Ahura Mazda (Hormazd Yasht) andthe 72 threads that make up the holy cord (Kusti).  Significantly, the Vesperad andthe Van-didad, too were said to have 72 chapters originally.

(The Avesta is composed of Yasna (Sk. Yagna), Yasht, Visperad andthe Vedidad. The Yasna is the oldest and more aligned to the language of Rig Vedic Sanskrit. Being the compilation of Zarathushtra and his immediate followers, it is the most authoritative)

1 comment:

zaneta said...

One must note that all the names of Ahura Mazda are pleasant and nice-an attribute to the Wise God who is all-good and perfect-the invocation from Hormuzd Yasht is very beautiful and inspirational to read.