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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Continuous Improvement. A Zarathushti's sacred endevour

Of all religious philosophies, only the Zarathushti faith suggests a continuous renovation-evolution-improvement pathway towards the goal of Utopia.

Called Fra-var-ane, from the root Fr= to evolve, not surprisingly this faith that lays such emphasis on knowledge, reasoning and free choice would prescribe such a scientifically validated pathway to Ha-urva-tat or Perfection-Self Realization.

The first attribute of Ahura Mazda is identified in the Hormazd Yasht (the dedication to Hormazd-Ahura Mazda) as "Fra-kh-stya"- one who designs improvement-evolution in his creations.

Since humans are not perfect (by definition); one needs a pathway to healing, sort of like taking to a vegetarian or fibre rich diet when facing certain health problems.
Thus wholeness-healing of the soul is the same conceptual goal, along spiritual lines. 

Fradathai Ahurahe Mazdao                    
                               Renovate my attitude (disposition) O wise Almighty Creator,
Rae-vato khvare-nanghuhato 
               Enlighten me, with thy radiance & luster permeating my entire being  

Fradathai Ameshanam Spentanam*,  
 Grant Steady growth, as I purposefully carry out actions aligned to Thy Divine Immortal Principles,  
Fradathai tishtryehe  staro raevato khvare-nanghuhato 
 Infuse in me expanded powers of perception through Tishtriya the beacon of the Universe 

Fradathai nar-sh ashaono   
 Renovate the spiritual growth of us mortals aligned to Truth & Justice

Fradathai vi-spanam, 
 Spentahe Mainyeush damanam ashaonam   
Let this journey of continuous improvement be universal, wherever positive  and constructive thinking takes root (resides), based on a foundation of Knowledge-Truth-Reality (Asha)

The Haz-an-grem prayer (Let there be 1000's of ways to healing-curing-improvement) comes to mind as an example.
Yasna 68.15: Hazangrem: By Dasturji Minocher-Homji

Haz-an-grem Bay-esha-za-nam, Bay-e-var-a, Bay-esha-za-nam 
(to be recited 3 times)
All my Blessings for that Worthy and Truthful person between this earth and heaven.
The Blessings of one thousand, nay ten thousand Healings of the Soul.

Note the root "Za" indicating an active, energetic orientation, like its cognate
Za-sto: reciting the mantra with energetic raising of arms.
A cognate term is "Zao" or holy waters that are said to flow down and purify  the being (see the translation of the Ah-mai Rae-ish-cha prayer).
The term "Isha/Esha" is blessed wish, with pure intent (without any ulterior motive).
The root word survives in modern times as "Hazara" a tribe in Afghanistan who unfortunately are no longer Zarathushtis.

Yasna 33.12:

 Uzmoi Arshwa Ahura        
                  Evolve my disposition (attitude), O Creator, along that soul purifying path 

Aramaiti Tevishem Daaswaa
                Armoured with  energetic determination, focus and steadfastness of purpose;
Spenishta Mainyu Mazda,           
                   That positive mindedness, O Wisest Ruler, fueled by ethics & integrity, 

Van-gha-u-yaa zavoi aada
          To attain that treasured reward, achieved only through industrious dedicated effort,
Asha hazo emavat,                
                That effort, aligned to Ash-a, which forges (develops) strength & courage,  

Vohu manangha fesera-toom
          Achieving that blessed renovation of the self, that tranquility of self realization

Word Philology:
Uzmoi: Uz + Moi: Purify me
Arsh-waa: (Uzar + ashwa) energize, invigorate
Ahura: Almighty Creator
Aaramaiti: energetic, enthusiastic, persistent, steadfast, resolute devotion of purpose
                  Ara= Energetic, Maiti = Devotion. Vedic Shakti.
Tev-ishm:  Senses (of the nervous system), that encompass the body
Daa-swaa: Ten
Spenishta: Spenta (pure, divine) + Ishta: (wish granter)
Mainyu: Mentality, Disposition, Intent
Mazda: (Maaz: Maah: Great + Daa: Dha*: Intellect granter/dispenser) Great Intellect
Van-ghu-yaa: the crucible/cup/challis of  Victorious love and goodness
Zavo: heartfelt, industrious offering, cognate: Zasto   
Adaa: reward (through conviction, not compulsion)
 Asha: The universal Law, instituted by Mazda which guides souls (through retrospection) along the path of integrity and justice
Hazo: vigour
Ey-mavat: full development/strong
Vohu Manangha:  heavenly minded; positivism, high mindedness (Love and Compassion)
Fesera-toom:  embrace of renovation

Vispa Humata:
All good, positive thoughts, constructive words and  selfless deeds, grounded in Truth and Ethics, help us grow spiritually, 
This spiral of continuous improvement lead us all to that prosperity; that heavenly  state called Self Realization or Perfection (Self Realization-Haurvetat).

All evil, degenerate thoughts ,  negative and destructive words and selfish, malicious deeds are expressions of folly, carried out through lack of intelligence and  result in a downward spiral leading to woe and  (self) destruction.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Zarathushti Pledge of Faith

Ja-say may avan-ghe mazda

Jase me avanghe mazda; Jase me avanghe mazda ;  Jase me avanghe mazda

  I invoke thee Thrice, O King of Wisdom. Envelope me; Pour into me, Wake me up, inside

Mazda-yasno Ahmi Mazda-yasno Za-rath-ush-tr-ish
We declare ourselves to be worshipers, of The Creator who rules exclusively through wisdom, as elaborated by our Saviour Zarathushtra 

Fra-var-ane Astua-tas-cha Fra-var-ane-tas-cha
We pledge unconditional support and  unshakable faith for this existent (not mirage) vehicle (path-methodology)  to continuous improvement.

Astuye Humatem Mano
Through Well considered (Reasoned) ideas (thoughts) rooted in Truth & Reality;

Astuye Hukhtem Vacho
Flowing into well spoken words (discussions-plans-Goals) that are positive & constructive

AstuyeHvarshtem Shyothenem 
and Culminating in well performed ethical Actions, aligned with the Truth,

Astuye Dae-nam Van-ghu-him 
That, is the real (not mirage) Victorious path that accumulates prosperity 

Mazda-yasnim, Fra-shpa-yao khedrum,  Nidha-snithi-shim

These wise actions, are in fact the invocation that we offer our Wise Creator.
Constructive actions (deeds) that promotes the learning process, through self correction. Actions that promote continuous improvement; Elimination of doubt, discord and  strife

Khetva-dhem; Ashao-nim
The path of performing deeds of Selflessness, while anchored firmly in Reality; to logic based on scientific validation;

Ya Haiti-nam-cha; Bush-yenti-nam-cha; 
This is what distinguishes this faith (philosophy) from others which are, which have been and which may arise in future

Maz-ishta; Vahishta; Sraestacha Ya Ahurish Zarathushtish 
The faith that is the Greatest, the most profitable and the most Inspiring;
The faith instituted by the Almighty Creator through his Holy Chariot of Light (Za-rath-ushtra)

Ahurai  Mazdai  Vispa  Vohu Chin-ahmi
That is the blessed, Love and  Truth promoting faith based on Universal principles, that we pledge our doubtless alliance to

Aesha Asti Dae-nyao Mazda-yasno-ish Astuitish
Such is my Open (Public) Demonstrative Pledge of faith in that philosophy that leads to one to prosperity and excellence.

Word Philology

Jasa:  envelope/pour onto
me' (pronounced as "may"): to me
Av-anghe:  assisting/supporting, my being
Maz-da: Great (Maz) dispenser/ruler (Da) through wisdom
Mazda-yasno: Praiser/Invoker/worshiper (Yas-no) of the Creator who rules through Wisdom

Ahmi: we are
Za-rath-ush-trish: as defined & elaborated by Zarathushtra (The divine chariot of Light)
Fra-var-ane: Ever improving/progressively evolving (Fra) + treasured Possessions(Var) +  breath/food (Ane); food that feeds the depths of my being.
Astua-tas-cha (of): existing foundation (of faith)

Fra-var-ane: Ever progressively evolving  Wealth (that forms) my  breath/food 
Tas-cha: un-shakeable faith (that seeps through my being)

Astuye : I praise, I loudly declare this fact
Huma-tem : Hu: invoke; + matem(mata-em) : past thoughts:  Well thought out (Intelligently Considered Goals)
Mano: (Sk. Manas): to think/thought
Hukh-tem’: Hu: invoke ; + ukhta: good speech: Well spoken Diction 
Vacho: (Sk. Vach): to speak/(truthfull) word
Hv-arsh-tem’: Hu: invoke (call); var-sh : well performed
Shyothe-nem: Acts,  Deeds that are selfless
Dae-nam:  the faith, that path  to that prosperity of enlightenment.
Van-ghu-him: Victorious arena
Mazda-yasnim: Yasna (invocation) to Mazda, the great wise Lord, knower of all
Fra-shpa-yao khedrum: Evolution-Improvement (of attitude) that throws out  discord/strife/doubt
Nidha-snithi-shim: that eliminates strife
Khetva-dhem: Self sacrifice 
Ashao-nim: based on the natural Law of Truth & Justice
Ya: which
Haiti-nam-cha:  of those amongst the existing
Bush-yenti-nam-cha: of those to be devised in future
Maz-ish-ta-cha : Greatest
Vah-ish-ta-cha: most profitable
Sra-esh-ta-cha:  most inspiring/stimulating/enlightening
Ahu-rish:  devised by the Creator
Za-rath-ush-trish: Via Zarathushtra; as concentrated & codified by Zartahushtra.
Ahu-rai: the glory (radiance) of the Creator
Maz-dai: the Great one, who rules through wisdom
Vis-pa: All encompassing (like the atmosphere)
Vohu: Beloved
Chin-ahmi: I ascribe
Aesha: Such
Asti: that is (the reality)
Dae-nayao: path/faith/religion of Light (Dae/Day)
Astuitish: actual (real) invocation (the invocation through actions, not homilies; through free purposeful intent, not blind submission )