Of all religious philosophies, only the Zarathushti faith suggests a continuous renovation-evolution-improvement pathway towards the goal of Utopia.
Called Fra-var-ane, from the root Fr= to evolve, not surprisingly this faith that lays such emphasis on knowledge, reasoning and free choice would prescribe such a scientifically validated pathway to Ha-urva-tat or Perfection-Self Realization.
The first attribute of Ahura Mazda is identified in the Hormazd Yasht (the dedication to Hormazd-Ahura Mazda) as "Fra-kh-stya"- one who designs improvement-evolution in his creations.
Since humans are not perfect (by definition); one needs a pathway to healing, sort of like taking to a vegetarian or fibre rich diet when facing certain health problems.
Fradathai nar-sh ashaono
Renovate the spiritual growth of us mortals aligned to Truth & Justice
The Haz-an-grem prayer (Let there be 1000's of ways to healing-curing-improvement) comes to mind as an example.
Note the root "Za" indicating an active, energetic orientation, like its cognate
Yasna 33.12:
Vohu manangha fesera-toom
Called Fra-var-ane, from the root Fr= to evolve, not surprisingly this faith that lays such emphasis on knowledge, reasoning and free choice would prescribe such a scientifically validated pathway to Ha-urva-tat or Perfection-Self Realization.
The first attribute of Ahura Mazda is identified in the Hormazd Yasht (the dedication to Hormazd-Ahura Mazda) as "Fra-kh-stya"- one who designs improvement-evolution in his creations.
Since humans are not perfect (by definition); one needs a pathway to healing, sort of like taking to a vegetarian or fibre rich diet when facing certain health problems.
Thus wholeness-healing of the soul is the same conceptual goal, along spiritual lines.
Fradathai Ahurahe Mazdao
Renovate my attitude (disposition) O wise Almighty Creator,
Rae-vato khvare-nanghuhato
Enlighten me, with thy radiance & luster permeating my entire being
Fradathai Ameshanam Spentanam*,
Grant Steady growth, as I purposefully carry out actions aligned to Thy Divine Immortal Principles,
Grant Steady growth, as I purposefully carry out actions aligned to Thy Divine Immortal Principles,
Fradathai tishtryehe staro raevato khvare-nanghuhato
Infuse in me expanded powers of perception through Tishtriya the beacon of the Universe
Fradathai nar-sh ashaono
Renovate the spiritual growth of us mortals aligned to Truth & Justice
Fradathai vi-spanam,
Spentahe Mainyeush damanam ashaonam
Spentahe Mainyeush damanam ashaonam
Let this journey of continuous improvement be universal, wherever positive and constructive thinking takes root (resides), based on a foundation of Knowledge-Truth-Reality (Asha).
The Haz-an-grem prayer (Let there be 1000's of ways to healing-curing-improvement) comes to mind as an example.
Yasna 68.15: Hazangrem: By Dasturji Minocher-Homji
Haz-an-grem Bay-esha-za-nam, Bay-e-var-a, Bay-esha-za-nam
(to be recited 3 times)
All my Blessings for that Worthy and Truthful person between this earth and heaven.
The Blessings of one thousand, nay ten thousand Healings of the Soul.
Za-sto: reciting the mantra with energetic raising of arms.
A cognate term is "Zao" or holy waters that are said to flow down and purify the being (see the translation of the Ah-mai Rae-ish-cha prayer).
The term "Isha/Esha" is blessed wish, with pure intent (without any ulterior motive).
The root word survives in modern times as "Hazara" a tribe in Afghanistan who unfortunately are no longer Zarathushtis.
The root word survives in modern times as "Hazara" a tribe in Afghanistan who unfortunately are no longer Zarathushtis.
Yasna 33.12:
Uzmoi Arshwa Ahura
Evolve my disposition (attitude), O Creator, along that soul purifying path
Aramaiti Tevishem Daaswaa
Armoured with energetic determination, focus and steadfastness of purpose;
Spenishta Mainyu Mazda,
That positive mindedness, O Wisest Ruler, fueled by ethics & integrity,
Van-gha-u-yaa zavoi aada
To attain that treasured reward, achieved only through industrious dedicated effort,
Asha hazo emavat,
That effort, aligned to Ash-a, which forges (develops) strength & courage,
Vohu manangha fesera-toom
Achieving that blessed renovation of the self, that tranquility of self realization
Word Philology:
Uzmoi: Uz + Moi: Purify me
Arsh-waa: (Uzar + ashwa) energize, invigorate
Ahura: Almighty Creator
Aaramaiti: energetic, enthusiastic, persistent, steadfast, resolute devotion of purpose
Ara= Energetic, Maiti = Devotion. Vedic Shakti.
Tev-ishm: Senses (of the nervous system), that encompass the body
Daa-swaa: Ten
Spenishta: Spenta (pure, divine) + Ishta: (wish granter)
Mainyu: Mentality, Disposition, Intent
Mazda: (Maaz: Maah: Great + Daa: Dha*: Intellect granter/dispenser) Great Intellect
Van-ghu-yaa: the crucible/cup/challis of Victorious love and goodness
Zavo: heartfelt, industrious offering, cognate: Zasto
Adaa: reward (through conviction, not compulsion)
Asha: The universal Law, instituted by Mazda which guides souls (through retrospection) along the path of integrity and justice
Hazo: vigour
Ey-mavat: full development/strong
Vohu Manangha: heavenly minded; positivism, high mindedness (Love and Compassion)
Fesera-toom: embrace of renovation
Vispa Humata:
All good, positive thoughts, constructive words and selfless deeds, grounded in Truth and Ethics, help us grow spiritually,
This spiral of continuous improvement lead us all to that prosperity; that heavenly state called Self Realization or Perfection (Self Realization-Haurvetat).
All evil, degenerate thoughts , negative and destructive words and selfish, malicious deeds are expressions of folly, carried out through lack of intelligence and result in a downward spiral leading to woe and (self) destruction.